Thursday 14 May 2015

Another encore

It's happened again ...
Every year I decide to chop down the ceanothus in the
front garden which has flopped to one side and now
makes it difficult to mow underneath ...

... and every year it goes and does this ...
The picture really doesn't do it justice ...
It is the most intense, eye-watering blue and the bees
adore it. They swarm all over it, working busily - everywhere you look there are bees 
and more bees - from a short distance away where you can't see them, you can
hear the humming sound they make.
A happy bee chorus? 
Or a less scary version of the Singing Ringing Tree?
It has once again got a reprieve - how could I ever have
thought of getting rid of it, even if I had planned to replace it with
another, better trained one.
It is simply glorious and I'm loving it. 

After a couple of days of glorious weather - yesterday was positively hot
work on the allotment - today we have been promised rain all day.
I'm quite pleased as I have lots of indoor stuff to get on with - such as working on the Your Dog gardening series - plus it will soften up the ground nicely - I still have another bed to dig over ready for the leeks. 
Archie and Angel are less thrilled.
Sunbathing by a radiator just isn't as good as the real thing.
Good thing doggy TV is switched on - rain never puts the pigeons off, so there's always something to watch in the garden outside whilst staying warm and dry indoors.

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