Friday 27 March 2015

Tap, tap, tap ...

Very busy writing at the moment - I am putting together an eight part series of articles on dog-friendly gardening for Your Dog magazine. I'm really enjoying it, but it does eat into the time I should be spending actually doing some gardening at a time of year when everything is poised ready for action. I was relieved to see that Monty Don said as much in one of his books - to quote: "... I spent more time writing about this garden than actually gardening." While I'm not in the same league as Monty Don, at least it would appear that I'm in good company in that respect! I did manage to rush up to the allotment to get the broad beans in, and this weekend am planning to get the parsnips in before it gets to be too late - that happened one year and we did miss them through the winter, roasted, creamed, mashed with carrot and of course in soups - spicy, or with a dash of horseradish or - my favourite - with apple. 
Anyway, I need to get back to composing the next article: May is done but I really should crack on with June now ...  This may mean that until the series is completed, over the next month the posts on this blog will be a little erratic, but I shall of course carry on posting on Facebook (, so do carry on looking in there as well as here! And of course, please add your comments or share your doggy and/or gardening tips!

Archie and Angel doing a little sunbathing - indoors as they reckon it is still
a bit cold outside for lounging around

Dog friendly gardening - the book!
Click HERE for link

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